10) Fighting
Fighting type are brilliant however they are weak against Flying and Psychic type attacks making it number 10 on my list.
09) Fire
Fire types have always been my starter choices (except in Diamond and Pearl) since Ruby and Sapphire. Fire however is weak against Water and Ground type attacks.
08) Steel
Steel is in most of my favourite Pokemon. If it is in Lucario, Excadrill or even Magneton Steel is still weak against Fire and Fighting attacks.
07) Grass
Grass Pokemon have always been the type of Pokemon I seem to catch first no matter if I encounter any others. Grass is weak to Fire and Poison attacks.
06) Flying
Flying Types allow you to go anywhere using the HM Fly. This is the only reason I own flying Pokemon. Flying is weak to Rock and Ice type attacks.
05) Ground
My favourite legendary is a Ground type Pokemon, that being Groundon. Ground types are weak to Water and Grass attacks.
04) Rock
These type of Pokemon annoyed me when in the caves, however have pretty good use when they are super effective against Flying type Pokemon. Rock still has its weaknesses, especially when those weaknesses are Water and Fighting type attacks.
03) Psychic
Psychic is one of my favourite types, the first Pokemon I had liked was a Psychic type. Psychic types, however, are weak to Ghost and Bug attacks.
02) Ghost
Ghosts might not be able to hit Normal Pokemon and the same happens vice versa. This means that Normal moves are useless against Ghost Pokemon. However, they are weak against Dark type and their own type moves.
Honourable Mention) Electric
Electric Pokemon truly shock me. They have the one weakness to ground but thier very small moveset is what makes it my honourable mention.

01) Dragon
Dragon might have its weaknesses to Ice and Fairy attacks, they are also weak to thier own attacks. It is the fact that this typing is based off of a mythical creature is why it is my favourite Pokemon.
Make sure to check out the Pokemon Database. Without this website I wouldn't be able to know the type weaknesses.
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